Minggu, 04 November 2018


Classroom Techniques and Taks in Reading
a.       Active pior knowledge.
Prior to each reading pessage, it is the beneficial to engage the readers in a activity that get them thinking about what they already know about the topic of the reading. One activity that you can could use is called an anticipation guide. The purpose of anticipation guide is to learn what the  readers already know about the topic of reading. You can ask five key question about the content of a reading based on the reading skil and make the inference.
b.       Cultivate vocabulary
Word web are very good activity for building students vocabulary skills. Begin by writing a key konsep in the middle of the chartboard.
c.       Teach for comprehension.
Instead of asking the students comprehension question after reading a pessage. A teacher can model with the class how comprehension is reached.  
d.      Incrase the reading rate.
Students read short pessage over and over again until they achieve croterion level of reading rate and comprehension.
e.       Verify reading strategies.
Think aload the protocols in a guide format get learners to identify the strategies that they use while reading.
f.         Evaluate progress.
Reading jurnals are an effective way to evaluate reading progress. Students make a journal entry aech day. They respond o the different question based on different areas of focus they are working in the class.

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